Other educational and social research is possible

This book is a result of collective effort of REUNI+D. It offers a frame for reflection on emerging perspectives of research, to overcome a scene characterized by standardization, protocolization and instrumentalization of methodologies.


¿Cómo aprenden los docentes?

This book gives an account of what has happened to us during the three intense years in which researchers and teachers in early childhood, primary and secondary education have walked together with the desire to understand how we learn inside and outside schools. In this transit they have given us their time, their cartographic scores, their stories and their learning trajectories.


VII Jornadas sobre la Relación Pedagógica en la Universidad: Enseñar y Aprendrer en Compañía

The participants will be university researchers, institutional managers, teachers and those people who from both the educational perspective and from the university level could be interested in analyzing the current situation, reviewing what has been done so far, and above all managing future proposals.

The MOOC developed by REUNI+D is awarded

On January 22, 2019, the MOOC ‘Trends in educational and social research’, coordinated by the EDULLAB research group (University of La Laguna) and carried out by the different groups that make up the REUNI+D network, received the second prize in the third call for Educational Innovation Awards of the Miríadax platform.