Category: Articles


Global Quest. Game-based participatory and co-design research methodology

In the context of the research project “The construction of global citizenship with young people: researching transformative practices with participatory and inclusive methodologies”, (PID2020-114478RB-C22 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 Oviedo) we seek to understand how adolescents construct global citizenship in different spaces and contexts in Asturias (Fueyo et al. 2023a y2023b).
To this end, we have used several participatory and co-design methodologies in which young people play a leading role (Calvo-Salvador et al. 2023; Rodríguez_Hoyos et al. 2023). One of the results of these methodologies has been the design of a cooperative game called “Global Quest: what do we paint on the planet?”


Promoting Planetary Citizenship through the naturalisation of school playgrounds

In 1992 the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was held in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), a landmark event in the field of environment and sustainable development. In 1996 the United Nations Environment Programme created the Global Environmental Citizenship programme, which underlined the rights and responsibilities of citizens towards the environment. The environment was thus seen as a fundamental
part of democracy itself, seeking participation to create a new social pact that would challenge the pace of market growth and the direction of the global market in which multinationals wrest control that belongs to states and exercise unprecedented control over the totality of the world’s resources (Gutiérrez Pérez and Prado Rojas, 2015). 


The graphical representation or visualisation of information and data

Nowadays we live immersed in a digital and digitalised society. We are constantly receiving large amounts of data and information through multiple channels and in different formats (graphic, textual, audiovisual, digital, etc.). Such is the volume of information received that in 1996, the consultant Alfons Cornellá (2013) coined the term infoxication to refer to an intoxication of information, a scenario of receiving hundreds of pieces of information daily in which we jump from one to another, without being able to dedicate adequate time to their analysis and evaluation. Moreover, many of them end up being forgotten.


Cartographies to Recognising Ourselves in Othernes

In this text, we want to show the movement from research to education and, in particular, how more creative and dialogical methodological strategies, such as artistic cartographies, can be used. Cartographies for explore topics related to learning and teaching experiences linked to teachers and represent mental and emotional maps.


English pronunciation in primary school students: A project in progress

English pronunciation at an increasingly early age is a focus of concern for the entire educational community, both schools and families, due to its relevance in responding to the changing demands and needs of the present moment. Among these concerns, the lack of reliability of traditional teaching-learning methodologies, the difficulties of students or the scarcity of materials, among others, stand out.
The socio-educational relevance of learning English in childhood has increased substantially as a result of its emphasis on the Organic Law on Education 3/2020, as well as the set of recommendations issued by the European Commission (2020). In short, the pandemic, which has highlighted the need to address digital skills in students, as essential knowledge for participation in this post-digital society.


School radio as a literacy tool to promote communicative social justice

School radio is a communication tool that allows students to work on social and communication skills, and at the same time is a source of learning, entertainment and knowledge, which unifies both students and teachers, regardless of their social class, religion or language. Therefore, school radio has become one of the most accessible and economical technological resources for carrying out radio projects in the educational setting, due to its greater capacity for integration, as well as its possibilities for learning and working in teams (Martín-Pena D. et al., 2020).


Collaborative research in educational contexts: the case of the Gorgoritos teaching staff

The problems surrounding the low impact of educational research on practice have been with us for a long time and are linked to the dysfunctionality between the production, transfer and use of pedagogical knowledge (Feuer et al., 2002). Minimizing this distance between the research that we do at the University and the practice that is developed in educational contexts has been a constant concern for the research group ICUFOP (Ocaña et al., 2023). With this purpose, almost two decades ago we initiated an educational innovation project linked to musical practices in early childhood education in which research was a cornerstone. Over time, the findings of this research became the starting point for the creation of the spin-off Gorgoritos, which understands music as an indispensable resource for the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of the person and which has been recognized by the University of Granada as a model of transfer in education.


Platforming families: an intergenerational study about digital transformations in families’ everyday life

The project Platforming Families: Tracing digital transformations in everyday life across generations (PlatFAMs) seeks to critically analyse digital life in homes, researching how different generations use digital resources and platforms in their daily lives. In doing so, it aims to generate new knowledge and offer recommendations regarding the use of digital technologies and their possible repercussions in regard to the needs, rights, protection, and digital participation of families.


For an education for repopulation

At present, the need to reflect on the phenomenon of “Empty Spain” has been awakened, or what is the same, the urgent need to stop the process of rural-urban emigration, which since the late nineteenth century with more notoriety, has been occurring to this day. Proof of this is the inauguration of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (2019), whose objectives in this second mission are defined from this prism, which states that ‘The sustainability of our Welfare State requires facing the challenges of population dynamics, which can put at risk social cohesion, territorial structuring and our model of coexistence. The Demographic Challenge is a fundamental dimension of social and territorial cohesion in our country, and one of the priority axes in the pending reform agenda (…). The European Green Pact must guide investments towards a fully decarbonized and climate change resilient economy by 2050.


«Futures Studies» in Education. A multidisciplinary method for prospective studies in Educational Technology

The relationship between education and the future is unquestionable. Educational objectives are projected in a temporal perspective, executing strategies that catalyse the individual, social and professional development of individuals. From this point of view, «Futures Studies», as a prospective discipline, play an essential role in the educational field by providing theoretical and methodological tools that allow projecting expectations, anticipating effects and encouraging critical reflection in the educational process (Miller et al., 2018).