Investigación transformativa e inclusiva en el ámbito social y educativo

This book presents a diversity of epistemological and methodological proposals that are acting in complicated socio-educational settings, supporting and developing transformation projects. These represent a different orientation of the hegemonic practices and models, based on other assumptions in matters as essential as the vision of knowledge, the methodological procedures, the consideration of the participating subjects and the institutional and academic practices of doing research.


The teaching materials of the Escuel@ Digit@l

This research, directed by Professor Area Moreira and carried out by research groups from different Spanish universities (CRIE, EDULLAB, STELLAE, among others) has delved into the status of the question concerning the production, distribution and pedagogical use in Primary Education schools in the Spanish context.


Project: Knowledge nomads: analysis of disruptive pedagogical practices in Secondary Education

The research project is oriented to the critical analysis of emergent pedagogies experiences and disruptive practices in secondary education. The main goal is to transform these settings into a laboratory for educational experimentation through sharing designs, prototypes of experiences and cultural products. We considering the current situation of secondary education such uncertain, characterized by deep disaffection on the part of the students. For this reason, this research takes the concept of disruptive innovation that raises the need to rethink and modify in a connectives’ way the educational institution.


La Red Universitaria de Investigación e Innovación Educativa (REUNI+D): Implicaciones para la transformación de la universidad

Today, Thursday 28th, at the XI CIDU Congress, at 8:15 p.m. CET, we will held the symposium entitled “The University Network for Educational Research and Innovation (REUNI+D): Implications for the transformation of the university”, with the participation of Juana M. Sancho and Fernando Hernández (Esbrina), Teresa González (GIETE) and Adriana Gewerc (Stellae), and presented and coordinated by Víctor Hernández (EDULLAB). The aim is to offer a look at what REUNI+D is, its meaning and trajectory, and reflect on what the network contributes to teaching and research practice, the tensions and challenges of networking and the challenges for the future (open science. ..).


Open Science: Another way of doing science at university

The concept of Open Science brings a new way to carry out the scientific research and emphasise the collaborative, transparent and accessible conditions of this task. It demands that researchers make available their results, but also they must assume the commitment of applying practices to promote the use of shared resources. Several organizations, like EU and UNESCO, are driving initiatives in order to achieve this aim, and universities, as one of the main sources of new knowledge, are assigned to be an essential element in this new scene.


Research in educational technologies: where does it come from and where is it going?

To answer the question of the tittle, the chapter “Research on educational technologies: beyond artifacts” (Area, Miño, Rivera-Vargas & Alonso, 2020) published in the book “Caminos y derivas para otra investigación educativa y social” by Editorial Octaedro, analyzes the dominant and the emerging trends in research on educational technologies in the context of the digital society.


Is It Possible to Conduct Educational Research Committed to Social Transformation?

In the chapter Educational Research and Social Responsibility (2020), we value the need to carry out educational research engaged in social transformation from the approach of Science with and for Society (SwafS). In this situation, transfer models play a relevant role in creating synergies between all the agents involved and providing research with social impact. Research and practice partnerships are a challenge and a requirement for the credibility of educational research.


Music Education and Didactic Materials

As a result of the cooperation between the Grupo de Investigación Stellae (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) and IARTEM (International Association for Research on Textbook and Educational Media), with the support of other institutions and groups, this book is the result of a collaborative work made by a large group of national and international Music Education researchers. The volume brings reflections on the meaning, role and importance of didactic materials for music development. The title brings considerations and researches form authors from different countries. It is one of the first works of its kind to assemble, systematize and organize researches on Music Education and Didactic Materials.