Connecting Networks Symposium’s videos published
You can now access the videos corresponding to the live broadcast of the Connecting Networks Symposium, which took place in Santiago de Compostela on June 7 and 8, 2018.
You can now access the videos corresponding to the live broadcast of the Connecting Networks Symposium, which took place in Santiago de Compostela on June 7 and 8, 2018.
In this course, we offer an overview of the educational research process from an emerging perspective. The identification of new problems and themes that are emerging within the framework of the new socio-political scenarios and changes in scientific and educational knowledge is proposed.
Very soon, the University Network for Research and Educational Innovation (REUNI+D), will publish its MOOC TRENDS IN EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL RESEARCH. This course will be available only in Spanish, and tries to offer an overview of this scenario, sometimes alternative, sometimes emerging, sometimes recovering marginalized traditions, that opens up in social and educational research. You can’t miss it!
The communications included in this work correspond to those accepted by the reviewers after a selective double-blind process, which are accompanied by the reports made in each of the working groups. The present book of is structured in four blocks: the first three refer to the axes in which the selected works have been structured, and which correspond to “Narrative methodologies such as participatory excellence”; “Participatory Methodologies in Educational Contexts”; “Other methodological perspectives”. And the fourth chapter deals with the aforementioned rapporteurships.
A few days ago the Minister of Education, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, conveyed to the media the idea of the Government to incorporate to the National Pact for Education a model of access to...
Presentation of the book “Integrating Video into Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Training” where the group GIETE (Seville) has contributed with the chapter “Video and Its Incorporation into Social Networking Sites for Teacher Training”.
Video presentation of the GIETE Research Group of the University of Seville.
In this edition, we want to highlight those issues that interest and concern research groups related to education, their research techniques as well as the development of pedagogical knowledge. In short, with this Symposium we aspire to contribute to the improvement of the visibility of the studies carried out by researchers and research groups in our country.
In the last two decades the teaching profession has increasingly lost autonomy and become subject to political change that has introduced a market orientation to both educational organisation and culture. The stages that the teaching profession has gone through can be characterised as: pre-professional; autonomy; collegial and the post-professional age.
The Procie research group presents the III Annual Summer Workshop, which REUNI+D organizes, as part of their activity as networks of educational investigation groups. In this case it will revolve around “Transformative and Inclusive Social and Educational Research”.