IRIS (Innovative learning Resources to foster equal participation In grassroots Sports, dealing with discrimination, racism and violence incidents)



  • Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Grupo de Investigación Stealle (GI-1439);
  • Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen;
  • University of Jyväskylä;
  • Oltalom Sport Association; Hellenic Open University (Educational Content, Methodology and Technology Laboratory);
  • Regional Center of Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning-RCVTLLL.

Dates: 2015 – 2016

Financing entity: ERASMUS+  (European Union)


Discrimination and Racism incidents in grassroots sports is a new scourge that must be urgently addressed with effective and creative ways.

The effects of discrimination and racism are equally negative and unpleasant as in any community of people where each one is different but respect a common purpose that a group or community follows. For this reason, information and active participation is an important step towards extinction, address and resolve such issues as violence incidents in sports.

IRIS aims to inform coaches and PE teachers on identifying underlying problems of discrimination, racism and violence, train them on novel didactic approaches for preventing these phenomena and provide them with educational tools for applying and integrating these approaches in everyday school sports activities.




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