Category: Actions


V Summer School: Responsabilidad Social de la Investigación Educativa, Ciencia Ciudadana y Ciencia Abierta

With the title The Social Responsibility of Educational Research, Citizen Science and Open Science, the University Network for Research and Educational Innovation (REUNI+D) once again presents the V SUMMER SCHOOL organized by the GIETE research group of the University of Seville. The topic raised is relevant for two fundamental reasons: on the one hand, it represents progress for the network, while at the same time it reflects its own trajectory by integrating into its formulation aspects on which it has been working for some time; REUNI+D’s permeability with open science, citizen science and our commitment to the role that educational research should play in society has been constant since the I Summer School was held in 2015 at the University of Barcelona.


Ciencia al alcance de todos: Laboratorios ciudadanos y ciencia abierta para una sociedad datificada y empoderada

The objective of this webinar is to explore how citizen laboratories and open science can democratize access and participation in the generation of knowledge in an increasingly data-driven and empowered society. We propose to discuss how these initiatives can promote collaboration between researchers and citizens, promote transparency through the opening of data and scientific publications, and strengthen civic engagement with research and innovation.


IV Summer School: La Tesis doctoral y la Ciencia abierta: dilemas, trayectorias y toma de decisiones

Committed to open science and to making scientific research and its dissemination more democratic and more linked to the needs of Society, REUNI+D, University Network for Research and Educational Innovation is pleased to announce that the IV Summer School will be held in Valladolid in May 2022, organized by the CEAEX group of the University of Valladolid.


VII Jornadas sobre la Relación Pedagógica en la Universidad: Enseñar y Aprendrer en Compañía

The participants will be university researchers, institutional managers, teachers and those people who from both the educational perspective and from the university level could be interested in analyzing the current situation, reviewing what has been done so far, and above all managing future proposals.

Trends in Educational and Social Research (MOOC)

In this course, we offer an overview of the educational research process from an emerging perspective. The identification of new problems and themes that are emerging within the framework of the new socio-political scenarios and changes in scientific and educational knowledge is proposed.

Connecting Networks – The relationship between research and educational practice

In this edition, we want to highlight those issues that interest and concern research groups related to education, their research techniques as well as the development of pedagogical knowledge. In short, with this Symposium we aspire to contribute to the improvement of the visibility of the studies carried out by researchers and research groups in our country.

First International Conference InclúyeT. When digital competence favors social inclusion

The Conference is part of the CDEPI project (Digital Competence in compulsory education students. Socio-familial environments, appropriation processes and e-inclusion proposals) in which are participating the research groups STELLAE (University of Santiago de Compostela) and GITE-USAL (University of Salamanca).