Category: Articles


Expressive sovereignty for thinking about the meaning of school and teacher education

Expressive sovereignty is a concept that we have been developing in recent years in the Procie group, as a product of our understanding of teaching and teacher education processes. It is the result of reflection on the teaching task and research that we have been carrying out for some time, through the stories of pupils, teachers and children at school. We start from an onto-epistemological position that recognises the productions of these subjects as valid knowledge about their experience, their lives and their actions. We also recognise the right of these subjects to use the means of expression they consider most appropriate for their public manifestation, in accordance with the characteristics of what they wish to transmit. Different forms and channels of expression, beyond mere information, reveal different contents of a different order.


Critical and feminist pedagogy for the development of spectatorial skills and receptivity in expanded theatricality

A group of students of the higher degrees of Vocational Training (FP) of Promotion of Gender Equality and Higher Technician of Sociocultural and Tourist Animation of the Institute of Public Education IES-FERRARI of Valladolid created and implemented a theatrical performance called “Turn the mirror around”, within the framework of both degrees. The aim was to help to make micro-chauvinism visible in order to prevent gender violence and promote equality among adolescents and young people from other secondary schools in the city.


Dialogues, feelings, and narratives around university classrooms participation

Do teachers and students share a common culture around participation? Is participation in university classrooms essential for successful learning? Is it enough to have a set of tools or techniques to make our classrooms more participatory? Are there gender biases in participation within classroom?
All these questions, and some more, have been answered by the research project financed by the UCM Student Observatory Office (2021-22 call) directed by Jon Sanz and Irene Martínez, whose main objective has been to analyse the perceptions about participation in university classrooms from a gender perspective.


The educational space in the digital transformation: Future Classroom

The «Future Classroom Lab» (FCL) was first developed by European Schoolnet through the iTEC (Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom) research project funded by the European Commission and involving 26 partners: ministries of education, technology providers and research organisations. iTEC aimed to transform and expand the use of technology in learning and teaching in compulsory education. Through iTEC, educational tools and resources were tested with some 50,000 students in 2,624 classrooms in 20 European countries. One of its main results was the design of the FCL.


Does technology influence student engagement?

Engagement with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is reflected in the manifest behavior of students with the use of technologies, as well as by cognitive and motivational factors that favor ICT-mediated activities. Knowing some of the factors that influence this engagement is a tool for the design of resources and activities that improve student learning.


Gender identity, influencers and adolescence

In times like these we are going through, with the questioning of gender equality, macho attacks, sexting, access to digital pornography, etc., among young people, it is vitally important to understand how the subjectivities and gender identities of adolescents are built in the digital environments in which they move. This is the purpose of the EDIGA research project (Entornos Digitales e Identidades de Género en la Adolescencia – Digital Environments and Gender Identities in Adolescence), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PID2019-108221RB-I00). It aims to analyse and understand the role that digital environments play in the process of constructing gender identities at this stage of development in different socio-cultural contexts.


Challenges of for a pedagogy of multiliteracies in the language classroom

It has become a cliché to point to the widening gap between the forms of communication that students develop in their personal lives and those required by their teachers. The exciting work carried out by Cope and Kalantzis (2000), members of the New London Group, summarized in the Pedagogy of Multiliteracies, mentioned this gap almost thirty years ago. In 1994, a group of ten academics held a series of meetings in New Hampshire, USA, in a hotel room called New London. These meetings claimed for a change in educational institutions to prepare students to navigate, produce and critically interpret emerging discourses in an increasingly diverse and complex world with increasingly sophisticated modes of communication.


Technology corporations, digital education platforms and guaranteeing children’s rights with a gender focus (edDIT)

Even before the school closures in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, but especially since then, digital educational platforms have burst into the classrooms of schools in different parts of the world. In this context, large digital platform providers such as Google, Amazon or Microsoft have demonstrated an efficient capacity to respond to a situation that exceeded the ability of many public administrations to deal with the sudden digitisation of educational activities. However, the entry of these and other corporations (also known as BigTech) into our education systems had been years in the making.


Pedagogical Lab PedaLAB UGR, a space to generate collaborative research practices

It is obvious that research is key to improving education, but how to ensure that this research has a real transfer and impact on educational contexts does not seem to be such a simple task. We raise this concern in the research group every time we start a new project: how to shorten the distance that separates the University and the School, seeking to reduce the existing gaps between the observer and the observed (Sancho-Gil & Correa-Gorospe, 2019).
From ICUFOP we have always been very respectful of the ethical considerations of research. Informed consent at the beginning, negotiation in the process and the return of reports in the final phase, but we were observing how this way of proceeding did not eliminate the distance between the research team and the team of teachers who were involved in the research we were conducting.
For this reason, for the development of the projects in which we are currently involved, NOMADIS and PedaLAB, we considered the possibility of exploring other forms of research.