Change of code in Predoctoral Contracts

A few days ago, the denial in owning the European Health Insurance Card set off the alarm bells among the young predoctoral researchers. The reason: having a contract of apprenticeship (code 420). The surprise was even greater when realizing they had signed a different contract (a service contract, with code 401) in the moment they were hired and it had been the Public Administration who, afterwards and without notifying, had changed the code of these contracts.

The Government pointed out that it didn’t affect the labour rights and it only concerned a merely administrative matter. Meanwhile, the associations of young researchers and the trade unions investigated to clarify the severity of the issue. The fuss have reached the Congress, where explanations about it have been requested from the Government by other parties.

After two weeks of informations and communications from the Government and the CRUE, the Government has finally ordered that the 401 code is assigned again to the modified contracts.

One matter remains yet: developing a statute which defines clearly the predoctoral researcher legal figure, well-adjusted to the current labor legislation, which allows to avoid contradictions and to dignify this important first stage in the career at the University.

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