IC-Health: Improving Digital Literacy in Europe

IC-Health: Improving Digital Literacy in Europe  (H2020-SC1-2016-CNECT)


Groups: Consortium of 14 European institutions. Coordinating group: EDULLAB

Dates: 2016-2018

Financing Entity:  European Union


Digital literacy of citizens in the field of health is an essential element for the evolution of digital health. However, citizens do not always have the skills to successfully find, understand, and evaluate information online and apply this knowledge to make decisions about their health. Citizens who present digital literacy in health can play a more active role in managing their own health status, with results in terms of prevention, adherence to a healthier lifestyle and better yields in public health.

For this reason, the IC-Health project aims to provide concrete support for the improvement of digital literacy in Europe in the field of health. Specifically, the project provides for the design of 35 online courses (MOOCs) in seven different languages, targeting different target groups (children, adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers, the elderly and people affected or likely to be affected by diabetes. Type 1 and type 2).

The target groups considered, together with professionals in the field of health and academics, will be organized into communities of practice and directly involved in the co-creation of the contents and structure of the MOOCs. Once developed, the courses will be tested by members of the conferences of the parties and by other users. The project provides for the monitoring of the impact of MOOSs, in order to ensure their diffusion and sustainability beyond the project’s duration.


WEB   http://consulta-europa.com/portfolio/ic-health/


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