Tagged: university


Promoting Data Literacy in the University Environment: Training Experiences with Undergraduate Students

En today’s data-driven society, data must be seen as an essential resource in the teaching-learning process and, to this end, university teachers must be able to identify, visualise, analyse and evaluate data sets.
Data literacy is understood as a person’s ability to read and understand the meaning of data, which contributes to any citizen being able to make decisions that affect their professional work and/or daily life, based on data (Martín, & Iglesias, 2022). For this reason, this literacy -together with others such as information and digital literacy- should be present at all educational levels and, in particular, in university education. Similarly, it is important to highlight that data literacy and education are not only limited to technical skills for working with data, but also include an understanding of ethics and privacy in the use of data (Correa, Losada, & Gutiérrez-Cabello, 2021).


Open Science: Another way of doing science at university

The concept of Open Science brings a new way to carry out the scientific research and emphasise the collaborative, transparent and accessible conditions of this task. It demands that researchers make available their results, but also they must assume the commitment of applying practices to promote the use of shared resources. Several organizations, like EU and UNESCO, are driving initiatives in order to achieve this aim, and universities, as one of the main sources of new knowledge, are assigned to be an essential element in this new scene.