What works BEST in education?
The main task of any teacher is to promote and maximize the learning of all students. This hard issue is rarely achieved, so there are many students who are driven to school failure, either by...
The main task of any teacher is to promote and maximize the learning of all students. This hard issue is rarely achieved, so there are many students who are driven to school failure, either by...
In this edition, we want to highlight those issues that interest and concern research groups related to education, their research techniques as well as the development of pedagogical knowledge. In short, with this Symposium we aspire to contribute to the improvement of the visibility of the studies carried out by researchers and research groups in our country.
«DUALETIC. Study of the effectiveness of implementing UDL principles and the uses of accessible digital materials: implications for acquiring literacy processes in Primary Education and for teacher training» (EDU201124926). Groups: INDUCT – Inclusion,...
Confidence in behaviour changes through serious games (e-Confidence) Groups: Instituto Tecnológico de Castilla y Leon (Burgos, Spain) Eun Partnership Aisbl (Belgium) Everis Spain Sl (Madrid, Spain) Nurogames Gmbh (Germany) Universidad De Salamanca...
The civic involvement of students of compulsory secondary education from Andalusia in social networks (LICESO). Group: Research Group ICUFOP (Curriculum research and teacher training) Consolidated Group HUM-267 of the University of Granada. Dates: 2015-2018 Financing...
Ecologies of learning in multiple contexts : analysis of expanded education projects and building citizenship Groups: University of Granada: Research Group ICUFOP (Curriculum research and teacher training) Consolidated Group HUM-267. University of Málaga: Research...
The assesment of the process of implementation of ICT in the Canary Islands school system: ‘Technologies at the Service of People’ (TSP) Project Groupo: EDULLAB Dates: 2014-2015 Financing Entity: Government of the Canary...
IC-Health: Improving Digital Literacy in Europe (H2020-SC1-2016-CNECT) Groups: Consortium of 14 European institutions. Coordinating group: EDULLAB Dates: 2016-2018 Financing Entity: European Union Abstract: Digital literacy of citizens in the field of health is an...
School of digital society: Analysis and proposals for the production and use of educational digital Groups: Grupo de investigación EDULLAB “Laboratorio de Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías” (Universidad de La Laguna) Grupo de...
Digital competence among compulsory education students: social and family environments, appropriation processes and e-inclusion proposals Groups: Group of Research Stealle of the University of Santiago de Compostela (GI-1439) Groupo GITE-USAL of the University of Salamanca. Dates:...