Speculative fiction in school education or the need to imagine what is yet to come to rethink pedagogical relations in the present
On 19 and 20 January 2023, we organised at Disseny Hub Barcelona the conference “Imagining possible worlds: Potentialities, limits and frictions of speculative fiction in research and education”. In this meeting, we shared a space with colleagues from different institutions to think and carry out prefigurative politics. We consider this notion a set of practices and social relations that, in the present moment, “anticipate” the germs of a future society (Ouviña, 2013; Graeber, 2019). This proposal invites us to reconfigure what can be considered education and problematise who has the power to legitimise it. In this reconfiguration, we review in this paper two reports from international institutions that prefigure scenarios for school education. Secondly, we present some perspectives that open up the possibility of imagining futures from speculative fiction. And thirdly, we present some ideas of how speculative fiction can be embodied in the classroom not to represent worlds but to create them.