2016 Call for predoctoral contracts of the Ministry of Education (FPU)

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain (MECD) has published the call for grants for the University Faculty Training program (FPU) corresponding to 2016. These grants pursue a double aim: on the one hand, to support the research process guided to do the Thesis which ends with the attaining of a PhD; on the other hand, to contribute to the development of teaching competences wich will be useful when working in Higher Education institutions.

As happened in 2015, the number of grants for this call amounts to 850. Although they are 50 more than in the period 2012-2014, they are far from the 950 that were convened in 2010.

From January 19 to February 3 at 14:00, students who are already working in their PhD, as well as those who have a master’s degree or are enrolled in one which allows the access to a doctoral program for the next course 2017/2018, can apply for these grants through the online service sited on the MECD web page.

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