V Summer School: Responsabilidad Social de la Investigación Educativa, Ciencia Ciudadana y Ciencia Abierta

With the title The Social Responsibility of Educational Research, Citizen Science and Open Science, the University Network for Research and Educational Innovation (REUNI+D) once again presents the V SUMMER SCHOOL organized by the GIETE research group of the University of Seville.

The topic raised is relevant for two fundamental reasons: on the one hand, it represents progress for the network, while at the same time it reflects its own trajectory by integrating into its formulation aspects on which it has been working for some time; REUNI+D’s permeability with open science, citizen science and our commitment to the role that educational research should play in society has been constant since the I Summer School was held in 2015 at the University of Barcelona. On the other hand, for the opportunity it represents to connect with the new paradigm proposed by research policies and the evaluation of research activity. To achieve this, we invited people of recognized prestige, so that in this dialogic space we can debate proposals and the scope that these new policies have both in research training and in the development of the research career in all its stages.


Thursday, July 11th


Aula de Grados

Alfonso García González
Dean of the Faculty of Education. Universidad de Sevilla

Rocío Anguita Martínez
University Network for Research and Educational Innovation Coordinator. Universidad de Valladolid

Teresa González Ramírez
REUNI+D Coordinator GIETE research group. Universidad de Sevilla


Opening Keynote

Aula de Grados

Del acceso abierto a la ciencia abierta: dilemas y desafíos de la experiencia argentina

Marcela Pacheco
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)

Introduced by
Adriana Gewerc Barujel
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

17:30 Pausa / Café


Ciencia ciudadana: Explorando los Laboratorios ciudadanos como espacios colaborativos

Azucena Hernández, Yolanda Martín and Ana Iglesias
Grupo Inforal REUNI+D. Universidad de Salamanca

Introduced by
Almudena Ocaña Fernández
Universidad de Granada

19:30 End of the first day
Friday, July 12th


Implicaciones de la ciencia abierta en la formación investigadora

Amparo Miranda Maseda
Jefe Sección de Apoyo a la Investigación. Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla

Introduced by
Teresa González Ramírez
Universidad de Sevilla


PhD Students Coworking

Coordinated by
Patricia Villaciervos Moreno
Universidad de Sevilla

12:00 Break / Coffee

Round Table

Investigación educativa: Responsabilidad, compromiso y transformación social

Presented and coordinated by
Cristina Alonso Cano
Universidad de Barcelona

With the participation of

Ana García Valcárcel
Responsabilidad social de la investigación educativa

Aquilina Fueyo y Adelina Calvo
Co-Investigar para desafiar los límites de la ciudadanía global

Juan Antonio Barrera Gómez
Políticas de Ciencia Abierta en España.


Closing remarks

Rocío Anguita Martínez
University Network for Research and Educational Innovation Coordinator. Universidad de Valladolid

Teresa González Ramírez
REUNI+D Coordinator GIETE research group. Universidad de Sevilla

Patricia Villaciervos Moreno
Representing PhD students


Marcela Pacheco

PhD in Administration and Public Policy, IIFAP – National University of Córdoba (UNC). Graduate and Professor in Educational Sciences (UNC). Professor of Educational Research Methodology at the School of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at the National University of Córdoba. Researcher at the FFyH Research Center “María Saleme de Burnichon”.

Azucena Hernández Martín

Full University Professor of the Department of Didactics, Organization and Research Methods of the University of Salamanca and member of GIR Inforal. Her main lines of research are educational innovation, as well as teacher training and professional development from the perspective of models and strategies to design and develop training processes.

Yolanda Martín González

Full University Professor of the Department of Library Science and Documentation of the University of Salamanca and, since 2020, she also holds the position of department director, and member of GIR Inforal. Her main lines of research are information and data literacy, as well as the management and reuse of scientific and public sector information.

Ana Iglesias Rodríguez

University Professor of the Department of Didactics, Organization and Research Methods at the Faculty of Education of the University of Salamanca. Director of GIR Inforal. Her main lines of research are inclusion and attention to diversity, educational innovation and, currently, information and data literacy.

Amparo Miranda Maseda

Head of the Research Support Section of the University Library of Seville. Archives, Libraries and Museums Assistant and Graduate in Geography and History from the University of Seville. After more than 10 years as head of support for researchers in the Library of the Architecture area, she currently coordinates the support services for research staff provided by the Library of the University of Seville.

Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso

Graduate and PhD in Educational Sciences. She is a professor at the University of Salamanca in the Faculty of Education, Department of Didactics, Organization and Research Methods. She is a member of the research group “Innovation and Digital Education (EduDIG)” at the University of Salamanca. Her teaching and research focuses on the analysis of the impact of digital technologies on teaching-learning processes and the development of digital competencies of teachers and students.

Aquilina Fueyo Gutiérrez

Graduate and PhD in Educational Sciences and professor of Educational Technology at the University of Oviedo where she has also been Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy (2001-2008) and Director of the Teaching Innovation Area (2016-2021). She is currently the IP of the group “Educational Innovation with ICT in Virtual Teaching and Learning Environments” (IETIC-EVEA) and the R&D project “Building global citizenship with young people. Investigating transformative practices with active and participatory methodologies” .

Adelina Calvo Salvador

University Professor in the Area of Didactics and School Organization at the University of Cantabria. She researches with participatory and creative methodologies, incorporating the gender approach in the field of education for global citizenship, social justice and school failure. She is interested in understanding how globalization has impacted the concept and exercise of citizenship in in-person and virtual settings.

Juan Antonio Barrera Gómez

Head of Service, user services. Library. Sevilla University. Archives and Libraries Faculty. With 30 years of experience in university libraries, 10 of which were as head of the Educational Sciences Library at the University of Seville. Graduate in Documentation from the University of Granada and Graduate in Geography and History from the University of Córdoba.

PhD Students Coworking

We will open two coworking spaces to allow doctoral students to  submit the works derived from the doctoral theses:

  • A virtual shared space through Padlet where we can view presentation videos of our classmates’ doctoral theses and make comments and evaluations. This space is available until June 30, the deadline to add videos.
  • A shared physical space available during the Summer School where we can share and debate the progress of the work and establish synergies between doctoral students and their lines of research.

Formal aspects of submitting

  1. Record a 3 minutes long video (max), presenting your doctoral thesis with the following structure:
    1. Start, where you introduce yourself with your first and last name, say the title of your thesis, your director and other descriptive information of interest.
    2. Development of the presentation, where you address the main contents of the thesis in a summarized manner.
    3. Closing of the video, with the main conclusions reached.
  2. Upload the video to a personal YouTube account to generate a link to it. Make sure that link is not private.
  3. Access the Padlet shared space through the following link: https://padlet.com/patriciavillaciervos/summer-school-2024-sevilla-gqgevj66jdwlgef6
  4. Add an entry to the shared Padlet by incorporating your first and last name in the (Subject) field, the title of your work, the first and last name of your director, as well as the link to your video.
  5. As your classmates upload their videos, you can add comments to them and vote for the ones you like the most, giving them up to 5 stars.
Padlet available until June 30th


Registration for this event is free, and can be done through this link:

Registration form



From the organization we recommend Residencia LIV Student Sevilla.

  • Single room: €60 (accommodation only) or €64 (breakfast included)
  • Double room (2 beds): €90 (accommodation only) or €98 (breakfast included)

You must fill out the corresponding form with the activity: SUMMER REUNID, so they know it is one of the rooms we have reserved.


July 11th and 12th, 2024


Hybrid (in person and online)


Sala de Grados de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Sevilla.

C/ Pirotecnia, s/n, 41013-SEVILLA.


Organized by

Organizing Committee

Rocío Anguita Martínez
Universidad de Valladolid

Teresa González Ramírez
Universidad de Sevilla

Adelina Calvo Salvador
Universidad de Cantabria

Victor Manuel Hernández Rivero
Universidad de La Laguna

Cristina Alonso Cano
Universidad de Barcelona

Adriana Gewerc Barujel
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Almudena Ocaña Fernández
Universidad de Granada

Joxemi Correa Gorospe
Universidad del País Vasco

With the support of

Programa de Doctorado en Educación y Psicología
Universidad de Oviedo

Programa de Doctorado en Equidad e Innovación en Educación (Interuniversitario)

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