Tagged: educational technology


Digital writing and education: m-learning

This work analyzes the educational potential of m-learning or learning supported by digital devices, such as smartphones, tablets and laptops. Its main advantages are permanent connectivity, mobility with Internet access anywhere (ubiquity), and interaction of different types with touch screens and educational and creative applications. Digital writing is a consequence of the use of these devices. Here, arguments are provided for the debate on the position of teachers and educational institutions regarding the presence of these tools in classrooms.


What do teachers think? Giving teachers a voice in educational ICT policy

One of the major recurring criticisms when education policies are designed is the lack of attention to teachers’ demands. In this sense, teachers often ask to be listened to by both regional and national governments when drawing up education laws. Based on this idea, the doctoral thesis “Las políticas educativas TIC en el plano autonómico: el caso de Andalucía” proposes among its objectives to understand the teachers’ vision about the future of ICT, with the aim of gathering interesting information for the future development of ICT policies in Andalusia.


Research in educational technologies: where does it come from and where is it going?

To answer the question of the tittle, the chapter “Research on educational technologies: beyond artifacts” (Area, Miño, Rivera-Vargas & Alonso, 2020) published in the book “Caminos y derivas para otra investigación educativa y social” by Editorial Octaedro, analyzes the dominant and the emerging trends in research on educational technologies in the context of the digital society.