Tagged: collaborative research


Collaborative research in educational contexts: the case of the Gorgoritos teaching staff

The problems surrounding the low impact of educational research on practice have been with us for a long time and are linked to the dysfunctionality between the production, transfer and use of pedagogical knowledge (Feuer et al., 2002). Minimizing this distance between the research that we do at the University and the practice that is developed in educational contexts has been a constant concern for the research group ICUFOP (Ocaña et al., 2023). With this purpose, almost two decades ago we initiated an educational innovation project linked to musical practices in early childhood education in which research was a cornerstone. Over time, the findings of this research became the starting point for the creation of the spin-off Gorgoritos, which understands music as an indispensable resource for the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of the person and which has been recognized by the University of Granada as a model of transfer in education.


Pedagogical Lab PedaLAB UGR, a space to generate collaborative research practices

It is obvious that research is key to improving education, but how to ensure that this research has a real transfer and impact on educational contexts does not seem to be such a simple task. We raise this concern in the research group every time we start a new project: how to shorten the distance that separates the University and the School, seeking to reduce the existing gaps between the observer and the observed (Sancho-Gil & Correa-Gorospe, 2019).
From ICUFOP we have always been very respectful of the ethical considerations of research. Informed consent at the beginning, negotiation in the process and the return of reports in the final phase, but we were observing how this way of proceeding did not eliminate the distance between the research team and the team of teachers who were involved in the research we were conducting.
For this reason, for the development of the projects in which we are currently involved, NOMADIS and PedaLAB, we considered the possibility of exploring other forms of research.