Tagged: seminar

First International Conference InclúyeT. When digital competence favors social inclusion

The Conference is part of the CDEPI project (Digital Competence in compulsory education students. Socio-familial environments, appropriation processes and e-inclusion proposals) in which are participating the research groups STELLAE (University of Santiago de Compostela) and GITE-USAL (University of Salamanca).

Seminar “Ecologies of Learning in multiple contexts”

The seminar on Learning Ecologies in Multiple Contexts was held in the Chancellor’s Building at Malaga University from 26th to 28th January 2017. The seminar was organized within the framework of the RDI project EDU2014-51961-P Learning Ecologies in Multiple Contexts: an analysis of projects on expanded education and shaping citizenship (ECOEC).